Sleep: A Powerful Tool

Sleep: A Powerful Tool

Sleep: A Powerful Tool

Sleep is powerful. If you are someone who struggles with getting good quality sleep, then read this blog on why sleep is a powerful tool.

The information within this blog is based on the book we recently read and enjoyed called ‘Why We Sleep’ by Dr Matthew Walker.

Why is Sleep a Powerful Tool?

Sleep is important because it helps us heal physically, recover from illness, deal with stress, solve problems, consolidate memories and improve motor skills.

There are two types of sleep: Non Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) and Rapid Eye Movement (REM).

NREM – Aids in physical recovery. It helps your body wind down and fall into a deep sleep, allowing you to feel rested in the morning.

REM – Supports learning and memory. This type of sleep effects your mood, memory and learning efficiency. Getting enough REM sleep can improve recall and memory consolidation. REM sleep is the sleeping phase closest to wakefulness and is where dreaming occurs.

Dr Matthew Walkers Top Tips for improving sleep quality:

  1. Find a routine/schedule – Your body has a specific sleep-wake cycle (Circadian Rhythm). Aim for a consistent sleep pattern so you are going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day.
  2. Avoid a heavy late night workout – An intense session before bed will prevent your body from winding down. Aim to finish a heavy exercise session two to three hours before going to bed.
  3. Reduce caffeine and nicotine consumption – These stimulants block the important  sleep chemical to your brain! The chemical eventually breaks through and causes a crash, often when you are trying to feel asleep.
  4. Slow down your alcohol intake – Alcohol reduces your quality of sleep particularly the REM phase which your brain requires for optimal restoration.
  5. Leave time to unwind – Create a relaxing routine for bedtime. This could be reading, listening to music, stretching lightly and getting rid of electronics in your room!
  6. Get some sunlight – Exposing yourself to natural sunlight for at least 30 minutes per day helps you regulate your sleep patterns. It is important to aim for this in the morning to increase your alertness for the day ahead. Start to turn the lights down before bed so you avoid disrupting melatonin production.

To order the book ‘Why We Sleep’ by Dr Matthew Walker click here.

Why not chat to us about your sleep quality either the next time your are in for an appointment or session. If not, send us a message, we would love to chat to you!

To book an appointment with us click here or send us a message here.

Posted on: 12 April 2022
Posted in: Advice

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