Cauda Equina Syndrome

Cauda Equina Syndrome

Cauda Equina Syndrome


Cauda Equina Syndrome is a rare but serious condition that describes pressure and swelling of the nerves at the end of the spinal cord.

Cauda Equina Syndrome can lead to permanent damage and disability and will need to be treated and managed urgently by a specialist spinal team at a emergency department.

Lower back pain can often present with back pain, leg pain, leg numbness and weakness. These symptoms are distressing but do not always require urgent medical attention.

Cauda Equina gets its name from Latin “Horses Tail”. The nerves at the end of the spine resemble a horses tail as they extend from the spinal cord into the pelvis and legs.

The Cauda Equina is responsible for the sensory and motor function of the pelvis, lower limbs and also the bowel and bladder.

If the Cauda Equina is damaged or compressed, symptoms may be severe and develop quickly, but may take weeks or months. Early medical attention and treatment are crucial for making as full a recovery as possible!

The warning signs for Cauda Equina are listed below. Any combination of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Cauda Equina Syndrome Warning Signs


1) Loss of feeling / pins and needles between your inner thighs or genitals

2) Numbness in or around your back passage or buttocks

3) Altered feeling when using toilet paper to wipe yourself

4) Increasing difficulty when you try to urinate

5) Increasing difficulty when you try to stop or control your flow of urine

6) Loss of sensation when you pass urine

7) Leaking urine or recent need to use pads

8) Not knowing when your bladder is either full or empty

9) Inability to stop a bowel movement or leaking

10) Loss of sensation when you pass a bowel motion

11) Change in ability to achieve an erection or ejaculate

12) Loss of sensation in genitals during sexual intercourse


If you are suffering with lower back pain, please do not hesistate to contact us on 07504877728. Alternatively, you can use our online booking system to book an Initial Consultation.  Online Booking System.


Posted on: 16 August 2022
Posted in: Advice

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